Krajna, Thomas, VITRO-ASEMIC, Dingbat font created from mouth bacteria, Type specimen book, light projection video, poster, & artwork, 2022

Krajna, Thomas, CAPTURED, Display font created from reCAPTCHAs, Type specimen, 2023

Statement: The end of graphic design history started during the reign of the efficacy of Helvetica. Why make anything if the serifs are all sans. Clean. Cut. Readable. Legible. Order is perverse in graphic design!- grids and boundaries that bleed from the slugs. We have become captured by efficiency and acceleration. But what have we become efficient for? Yet, why not strife from the “common good” stated by Rawls/Locke/Badiou and bring into a devival of inefficiency. Inefficiency is the authority of mistakes and the absolute of the sacred chao. The tales of Sisyphus and Job of the old testament linger on suffering as “human nature” and are viewed as inefficient. But suffering is our nurturing not nature and the tendency of asphyxiation is now the “common good”. Think of our nurture suffering as energy transfer when we drink cold icy water that heals us but the tingle can be unpleasant which
would be equivalent to suffering compared to the asphyxiation of drowning in a winter lake. Suffering is what makes us post-natural. The inaccessibility of the typeface grants the user to slow down and process. It stirs situations as it jams into our programming. CAPTURED embarks the masquerading of our reCAPTCHA event with the start of the “swarm machines” from the theory-fiction by the CCRU. ReCAPTCHAs are used to separate humans from bots and use us to referee machine learning algorithms aka AI. Yes, every time we click on pictures of sidewalks we are training an artificial intelligence program on how to detect sidewalks from a picture. But I don’t remember ever getting compensation for this labor? Repercussions are imminent but more importantly the training we do transforms us into the mechanism and in tune of the CCRU a swarming quality. However, to reject is salvation since it is inefficient and breeds discord in communion.

[InclusCity Collective] Krajna, Thomas, Prologue: Curved Community Bench, Wood, stain, nails, 3d printed object, schematic, & Rhino 7 renders, 2022
3D Designer & Production Associate: Thomas Krajna
Brand identity: Marina Reifenrath
Production Associate: Madeline Cawkins
Production Associate: Miranda Kobs
Bureaucracy: Jordan Witek
3D Designer & Production Associate: Thomas Krajna
Brand identity: Marina Reifenrath
Production Associate: Madeline Cawkins
Production Associate: Miranda Kobs
Bureaucracy: Jordan Witek

Statement: An object created to interact in face to face conversations. Long gone from the linearity of architecture, instead we need to design communion. InclusCity Collective was founded to create speculative architectural and product design for agents with dis/ability such as the deaf and blind community in the local community of Milwaukee.
Krajna, Thomas, Universal Design Calligraphy Pen, Rhino 7 renders, schematic, 3d printed object, metal calligraphy nib, video, 2022

Krajna, Thomas, SPOKE-TRAN, Wood, stain, ceramic glaze, ceramic, 2019

Statement: Object created to study the relationship between positive and negative forms within the brutalist and Azteca aesthetics. Industrial vs. Organic.